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Morning for Energy, Noon for Body, Evening for Love
How you can access much more than Vitamin D.
If the sun were in a pill, we would happily fork out our life’s savings for one milligram of its miracles. We would of course, as with all medical interventions, have to weigh up the risks and benefits.
Happiness, sleep, energy, thyroid health, immunity, blood pressure, heart health, lifespan, healthy weight, bone health, neurological health, metabolic health, gestational health, fewer allergies, less cancer, less myopia. Perhaps we should send our short-sighted politicians and administrators out into the sun.
For tired brains, skip to the end of this article and rejuvenate by getting out into the sun. For those wanting a deep dive, read on.
You and I Are on This Earth Because of the Sun
While physicists may debate the details of the big-bang, religions and traditions have long acknowledged the sun as life-giving. The sun was said to have been born from the eye of the Hindu primal being, Purusa. The sun played a significant part in the worship of the ancient Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, Aztecs, and Mayans. Pagan holidays align with the seasons. The Christian god when he created the Earth said “Let there be light”.